Wacaco Nanopresso and NS Adapter


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The Wacaco Nanopresso and NS Adapter allows the Nanopresso to use NS CAPSULES* to prepare espresso. The advantage of using capsules is that the coffee is mechanically ground, measured, and tamped with a higher precision than we are capable of doing by hand. There is very little left for error, so your espresso is consistent every single time. Pods are convenient, mess free and easier to clean after use.

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Wacaco Nanopresso and NS Adapter


The Wacaco Nanopresso and NS Adapter allows the Nanopresso to use NS CAPSULES* to prepare espresso. The advantage of using capsules is that the coffee is mechanically ground, measured, and tamped with a higher precision than we are capable of doing by hand.  There is very little left for error, so your espresso is consistent every single time. Pods are convenient, mess free and easier to clean after use.




  • Dimension: 66x62x62 mm
  • Weight: 130 g


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