Timemore Chestnut Grinder Standard Burr Set


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Timemore Chestnut Grinder Standard Burr Set: Timemore’s standard burr set the standard for grind quality and consistency. It is still of the best burrs you can find and punches way above its weight in quality and consistency. The Standard is a universal burr, meaning it doesn’t have a bias towards espresso or manual brews.

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SKU: Timemore Chestnut Grinder Standard Burr Set Category:

Timemore Chestnut Grinder Standard Burr Set

Timemore Chestnut Grinder Standard Burr Set: Timemore’s standard burr set the standard for grind quality and consistency. It is still of the best burrs you can find and punches way above its weight in quality and consistency. The Standard is a universal burr, meaning it doesn’t have a bias towards espresso or manual brews.

Grinding fresh with a quality burr grinder is the largest contributing factor to making better coffee. To ensure your consistently produce a great tasting cup, burrs need to be cleaned frequently, after every 30-50 cups or so, or at least once a month. Burrs need to be replaced as soon as your coffee begins to taste dull, or you notice a difference in the quality of your grinds.

Depending on how hard the beans are, how frequently you grind and how fine your typically grind, burrs can last around 3-5 years. Light roasts are much harder than dark roasts and will wear down burrs faster too. Fine grinding for espresso reduces a burr’s lifespan more than courser grinds like pour over or AeroPress.
5 signs your coffee grinder burrs need replacing.

The following burrs are available for the Chestnut C, C3, C3 Pro, G1.



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