Timemore Chestnut C3 Pro Burr Grinder


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High-end professional hand grinders, like the Timemore Chestnut C3 Pro Burr Grinder, often produce superior grind quality to electric grinders. Substituting expensive motors allow manufacturers to focus on grind efficiency, burr quality, and materials.

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SKU: Timemore Chestnut C3 Pro Burr Grinder Category:

Timemore Chestnut C3 Pro Burr Grinder

High-end professional hand grinders, like the Timemore Chestnut C3 Pro Burr Grinder, often produce superior grind quality to electric grinders. Substituting expensive motors allow manufacturers to focus on grind efficiency, burr quality, and materials. Being a manual and tactile experience, Timemore have perfected the coffee making experience with the C3 Pro.

The C3 Pro is a significant upgrade from Timemore’s award winning Chestnut C2, which set the standard for hand grinders globally. The Chestnut C3 Pro combines all the best features, like the foldable handle, into one amazing, high-value package.


  • Superior grind quality: Unmatched uniformity for better extraction and ultimately better coffee
  • Universal grind: 20 grind settings for French Press/plunger, filter, pour over, AeroPress, Mocka Pot, Espresso
  • High-quality burrs: Patented S2C burr stainless steel burrs for ease, precision, and longevity
  • Smooth grinding: Dual-bearing makes manual grinding a very enjoyable experience
  • Build Quality: Precision machined alloy aluminium body
  • Feel: Sturdy, luxurious and grippy
  • Compact: Stainless steel fold-away mechanical handle for intact compact storage


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