Timemore Grinder GO Rechargeable Coffee Grinder


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The Timemore Grinder GO Rechargeable Coffee Grinder is a USB-rechargeable, cordless, portable, conical burr coffee grinder. GOOD LOOKING, EASY TO USE, COMPACT, LIGHTWEIGHT, HIGH-QUALITY STAINLESS-STEEL BURRS, CORDLESS, RECHARGEABLE, AFFORDABLE and most importantly, SUPER QUIET.

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Timemore Grinder GO Rechargeable Coffee Grinder

Timemore brings you perhaps the best coffee grinder of the year, the “Grinder Go”. The Timemore Grinder GO Rechargeable Coffee Grinder is a USB-rechargeable, cordless, portable, conical burr coffee grinder. GOOD LOOKING, EASY TO USE, COMPACT, LIGHTWEIGHT, HIGH-QUALITY STAINLESS-STEEL BURRS, CORDLESS, RECHARGEABLE, AFFORDABLE and most importantly, SUPER QUIET.

Timemore is arguably the best manual coffee grinder manufacturer in the world, so it’s easy to see why this could the best grinder of the year. A mere 230mm tall x 85mm in diameter and weighing in at 660g, the minimalist Grinder Go ticks all the boxes. Attractive and easy to hold in 1 hand, a bean capacity of 80g (4-5 cups), grinds up to 60g (3-4 cups) at and time and will be finished well before your kettle’s boiled and you won’t wake up the household making your fresh coffee!

It even switches itself off when it’s finished grinding. The stepped adjustment screw is easy to access and use, allowing for all coffee grind settings from filter up to espresso. Due to its efficient design, grinding speed is very impressive for battery operated device. 20g (1 cup) pour over in 28-30 seconds 20g Filter / plunger in 23-25 seconds 20g moka pot in 35-40 seconds One of the most enjoyable features of this grinder is how quiet it is. Undeniably the quietest electric grinder on the market.

From kitchen counter to campsite, this slick little coffee grinder hits every sweet spot imaginable, and is our choice for “coffee grinder of the year”.



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